The fight for violence against women

22 November, 2020

Alka supports the fight for violence against women


Alka joined the campaign to combat violence against women by supporting a wide-ranging public awareness campaign initiated by the Necuvinte (Wordless) Association.


The majority of the employees in the Alka family are women and we have always paid great attention to the subject of discrimination and aggression against women, both to prevent the existence of such cases in the workplace and to ensure that such situations are not tolerated at home.


The actuality of gender-based violence is a cause-and-effect phenomenon, and the cause, in over 85% of the cases, are initiated by men. This is seen in both the national statistics provided by the General Inspectorate of the Police and proven through international data.


During the pandemic, aggression towards women has increased exponentially both in Romania and in other countries alike. In the summer of 2020, in Israel, there was a shocking case against a young woman who suffered abuse and assault from several men, an event which sparked a national movement. The case was presented to us by the Necuvinte Association (a non-governmental organization campaigning against discrimination, abuse, and violence against women) and we agreed on the spot to take part in a campaign to raise the national awareness and to prevent the spread of cases of violence against women.


The need for action was certain shortly after the official data was made public, which shows that in the first half of 2020 law enforcement officers reported 5157 cases of domestic violence. About 600 women and children were left with a physical or mental burden. Experts have noted that during isolation, for the sake of the children women have endured serious forms of psychological abuse.


The campaign uses the slogan “Lupta împotriva violenței domestice nu este o misiune a femeilor” (“Fighting domestic violence is not the mission of the women”) and partnered with the Romanian Police and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Romania, along with ten male public figures who reach out to men to discuss the abusive behaviors which are taking place.


The ten speakers were chosen from a wide range of communities, so as to ensure that the message reaches as many men as possible. They include actor Vladimir Drăghia, chef Alex Petricean, Doctor of psychology Cristian Andrei, the ambassador of the state of Israel, David Saranga, K1 fighter Andrei Stoica and singer Jean de la Craiova.


The key message of the campaign spoke of the uncertainty that many Romanian women have, be it at home, on the street or even in shops. The appalling statistic shows that one in four women becomes the victim of a form of abuse throughout her life.


We invite you to view the campaign video here

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